Two Islands One paradise - Beautiful St. Kitts and Nevis
  School Project

Note: I would like to thank Mrs Patricia Hodge to allowing me to use her daughter Denzarnique projects. When I saw the projects, I was impressed with the handwriting and the materials. I would have loved to put the materials in her own handwriting, but it is not possible because of the way I have to put the materials on the website. I think the materials were well researched and well put together projects. I would like to wish Denzarnique all the best in her future endeavours. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


Picture Portfolio on some Physical Features in Our Federation

By: Dezarnique Hodge       


Name: Dezarnique Hodge                              

Grade: Five One (5')

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Our Federation

Subtopic: Physical Features

Text of Assignment: Picture Portfolio of different Landforms in Our Federation



          Table of Content

1: Acknowledgement

2: Project Assignment

3: Physical Features  (1) Beaches

                                      (2) Ghauts

                                      (3) Hills

                                      (4) Mountains

                                      (5) Peninsula

                                      (6) Rivers

                                      (7) Valleys

                                      (8) Vegetations


4: Map showing some physical features on St. Kitts

5: Glossary

6: A Brief Reflection

7: References



Photographs supplied by Mr. Telbert Pyk of Sknvibes.


Photographs supplied by Ms. Cheryl Jeffers of the Department of Physical Planning and Environment.


Photographs were reproduced from the book entitled “St. Kitts The Mother Colony” by Jerome and Cyril De Baecque.


The drawings of various physical features were done by Dezarnique Hodge.


                                 Project Assignment


Information for Social Studies Project

-         Give the definitions for the physical features

-         Collect pictures of the following –

(1) Beaches                                  (5) Peninsula

(2) Ghauts                                    (6) Rivers

(3) Hills                                        (7) Valleys

(4) Mountains                              (8) Vegetations


-         The pictures of the above either St. Kitts or Nevis as students will be studying the topic Physical Features in Our Federation.


-         St. Kitts and Nevis Travel Magazines and the internet may be useful resources. Pictures can be taken and printed.



                                   Physical Features

Physical Features are the natural features (landforms) on the earth’s surface. They form the different land scapes.  Physical Features were created by God. (Naturally).




A beach is the pebbly or sandy part of the seashore.  


                     This is the drawing of a beach.

Pictures below showing different beaches on St. Kitts.





A ghaut is a mountain pass or a valley between two mountain ranges.

                                    This is the drawing of a ghaut.



Pictures showing different views of College Street Ghaut during heavy rain (flood).


Pictures showing College Street Ghaut from a different angle.


 Hills :

A hill is a naturally raised area of land not as high as a mountain less than 1,000 feet).


Picture showing Brimstone Hill also know as “Gibraltar of the West Indies.” 

Picture showing Round Hill in St. James’ parish on Nevis.


 Mountains :


   A mountain is a landform that stands high above the land around it. Mountains generally have steep slopes and defined peaks or ridges. They rise at least 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the surrounding land.   Mountains are formed as geologic forces (Rock_column) such as heat the pressure, produce changes on and beneath the Earth’s surface.

   A theory called plate tectonics helps explain how mountain building occurs. According to this theory, the Earth’s surface is composed of huge slabs or plates of solid rock. Tremendous forces with in the Earth keep plates constantly moving – a few inches a year – carrying continents and oceans basin across the surface of the Earth.


Mountains can be divided into four general types.

(1)   Fold_mountains

(2)   Fault-block

(3)   Volcanic_mountains

(4)   erosional mountains


Pictures showing Mount Liamuiga on St. Kitts.


Pictures showing Mount Liamuiga on St. Kitts and Nevis Peak on Nevis.



 Peninsulas :


A peninsula is a long piece of land that is almost surrounded by water or projecting far into the sea or lake etc.

                                    This is the drawing of a peninsula.



Pictures showing different views of the South East Peninsula.



 Rivers :

A river is a large natural stream of water flowing along a channel. This large flowing body of water usually emptied into the sea or ocean.

                                 This is a drawing of a river.



Pictures showing water catchment at the Wingfield River in Old Road on St. Kitts.



 Valleys :

A valley is an area of low land between hills and usually with a stream.

                            This is a drawing of a valley.



Pictures showing the valley at the top of College Street Ghaut with plenty of vegetation.


Vegetations :

A vegetation is all the plants growing in a specific area or region. It is a general term for plants life of a region. Vegetation regulates the flow of water and nitrogen.



Pictures showing different vegetation in St. Kitts.

Map of St. Kitts showing some of the various physical features.





1.     Beach – a beach is the pebby or sandy part of the seashore.

2.     Continent one of the main masses of land in the world.

3.     Geologic Forces – the influences that can be measured and that tend to cause the Earth’s surface to move and form different landforms.

4.     Ghaut a ghaut is a mountain pass or a valley between two mountain ranges.

5.     Hill a hill is a natural raised area of land not as tall as a mountain.

6.     Land scope a view of particular area of town or country side. (the scenery).

7.     Mountain a mountain is a high steep slope that is higher than 1,000 feet.

8.     Peninsula a peninsula is a long piece of land that is almost surrounded by water.

9.     Physical Feature – is the natural features of the Earth’s surface. They form the different land scapes. Physical features were created by God (Naturally)

10.  Plate Tectonics – is the squashing of rocks in the middle of the ocean floors and bending them into enormous folds or ridges and troughs.

11.  Region a part of a country or of the world.

12.   River – a river is a large natural stream of water flowing along a channel.

13.    Valley – a valley is a area of low land between hills and usually with a stream.

14.    Vegetation – a vegetation is all of the plants growing in a specific area or region.  



 A Brief Reflection

 What have I learnt?

I learnt more about physical features and what they mean, I knew some of them already. I have also learnt that each physical feature help nature in special way.


(b)   What I found interesting?

Putting the project together was what I found interesting. I did not know there were so many places in the federation.


(c)   Was the project helpful in teaching me about the different features? 

Yes. It was helpful in teaching me more about the different features and locating them in my little federation.


(1)   Caribbean Primary Social Studies Bk. 4

      Our World Community (Heinemann)

(2)   Caribbean Social Studies St. Kitts and Nevis Bk. 4 by Gweneth Hanley.

(3)   St. Kitts “The Mother Colony” by Jerome and Cyril De Baecque.

(4)   Oxford Primary Dictionary.

(5)   Social Studies Class-note books (Grade 4 and 5)

(6)   The New Book of Knowledge (Encyclopaedia) from Scholastic A to Z.

(7)   The Internet (Computer).


(9)   Department of Physical Planning.  



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