Primary Schools: -A primary school(from Frenchécole primaire) is an institution where children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as primary or elementary education. Primary school is the preferred term in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations.
Our mission will seek to provide a safe, caring disciplined teaching/learning environment where all students are encouraged and motivated to learn and to be creative. It will ensure that a firm foundation is laid upon which a higher level of education can be built this would be accomplished through a well-structured, creative meaningful and enjoyable programme of activities which impart knowledge and basic skills.
The school will assist students in growth and development physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and socially so that all students develop to their full potential regardless of their socio-economic background.
We believe that through a closer working relationship among teachers, students, parents and the wider community, we will make a positive difference.
School's History
Basseterre Girl's and Boys Schools were merged on Tuesday 24th September 1991 to form the Beach Allen Primary School. The two Head teachers were Mrs. Anita Morton, Basseterre Girl School and Mr. Wendell Wattley, Basseterre Boy School. On the 28th May 1992 the official naming opening ceremony of the school was held. Thus, the school took on its official
name, The Beach Allen Primary School. Mr. Hilton Clarke assumed duties as Head teacher on Monday, 7th September 1992.
Head Teacher/Principals Mr. Wendell Wattley, Basseterre Boy School. Mrs. Anita Morton, Basseterre Girl School Mr. Hilton Clarke Mrs. Joycelyn Hazel1994-2008
Mrs. Emelita Warner-Paul2008- Mr. Virgil Jeffers
Mission Statement The mission of this school is to create an environment in which teachers and parents work together to encourage positive attitudes and produce desirable outcomes among (students) Through organized, innovative, meaningful and relevant, activities that cater for their students academic, social, physical, moral, and spiritual needs in today’s progressive world.
School's History Bronte Welsh Primary School is the continuation of the past Trinity Primary School. The School was housed in the Trinity Church Hall for many years. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo destroyed the building. The school was divided into sections. Students of grades three through six sheltered in Verchilds All Age School while infants stayed in the Palmetto Point Community Centre. In 1992, the new school building was erected and both sections of the school moved to the new location in Boyds. The School was official opened on May 28th, 1992 and got its name from a nurse named Bronte Welsh from Boyds Village who housed clinic in her home for the benefit of her community.
Head Teacher/Principals Mrs. Cordellia Inniss
Mr. Robert James
Mrs. Yvette Wallace 1999 - 2005 Mrs. Daun Hazell 2005 - 2011 Mr. Anthony Wiltshire 2011
Mr. Jeffery Hanley
Cayon Primary School Main Street, Cayon, St. Kitts Phone: (869) 465 3291 ●
Motto: “Rise Above The Ordinary”
Ms. Mary Charles
Mr. Donald Mac Lachlan Ms. Turner Liburd
Mrs. Fell
Mr. Leroy Pemberton
Mrs. Hamilton
Mr. Jedroy Percival
Mrs. Mavis Matthew
Ms. Audain
Mrs. Marva Buchanan
Dean-Glasford Primary School Parry Village, St. Peter’s Parish, St. Kitts Phone: (869) 465 6878 ●
Motto:“Rise Up And Achieve”
School's History
The St. Peter’s Primary School was located at the St. Peter’s Anglican schoolroom. In May 1974 the school was relocated to it present location, Mrs. Doris Glasford was the first Headmistress of the school at that location.
The St. Peter’s Primary School was officially rename Deane Glasford Primary School on Friday 28th January, 2000 in honour of Ms. Martha Deane who taught at the St. Peter’s Primary School for over 40 years. She is well known for teaching the Kindergarten class for many years and Mrs. Doris Glasford who served as Headmistress of the St. Peter’s Primary School for fourteen years (14) from 1971 to 1985.
To be an effective and functional learning institution within the community with the aim of developing well rounded individuals with the assistance of the home, the church and the entire community, in an environment conducive to higher learning, thus affording all the opportunity to adapt the right attitude, to possess the skills necessary, for the challenges ahead at the Secondary level as they strive for life long learning.
School's History
DieppeBay Primary School started operation in 1959 at Chapel Street in the old Methodist Church building. The school was relocated to provide an environment more conducive to learning and also to accommodate the growing population. The doors of this institution were officially opened on 9th January, 1996
under the leadership of Ms. Carolyn Henry. The school is ideally located less than a mile from the Beaumount Park in the Historic French Town of Dieppe Bay.
Head Teacher/Principals Ms. Carolyn Henry
Ms. Jacqueline Douglas
Our mission is to create a positive learning environment through the cooperative efforts of all teachers, students, parents and the community. Promoting positive relationships which would empower our youth with critical, social, emotional and cognitive skills and prepare them for the world today.
School's History
To ensure a safe orderly disciplined teaching learning environment which is conducive to the growth and development of students academically, spiritually, socially emotionally and physically and to equip them with the necessary education and to help them to meet and surmount the demands, challenges and the responsibilities of a changing world.
The Dr. William Connor Primary School was officially opened on the 30th May 1988 and has since grown to become one of the top primary schools in the Federation. The first principal of the school was Mrs. Cordellia Inniss.
‘Prospere Gerere Est Laborare’ means “There is No Success Without Hard Work”
Mission Statement
The EdgarT.MorrisPrimary School’s purpose is to educate ALL students by providing them with a wealth of knowledge through the use of multiple learning techniques enabling them to master academic, moral, social and physical skills becoming upstanding citizens who will contribute to nation building.
School’s History:
The school opened it doors to one hundred and ninety two (192) students on the 16th September, 1975 at Carty’s Pasture. Students made the transition from the Old School located at Mission Street Tabernacle. The Acting Principal Ms. Susana Lee was present for the opening of the new school as the Principal; Mrs Maisie Halliday was on leave.
Although the school was an All Age School some of the students were afforded the opportunity to go onto CayonHigh School to gain a Secondary Education.
TabernacleAll Age Schoolwas previously housed on the compounds of The Methodist Church and the Heart and Hand Lodge Building.
In 1997, the school was renamed The EdgarT.MorrisPrimary School after a dedicated teacher who taught at school for many years. Mrs. Emelita Jordon, Principal had the honour of unveiling the new name to many officials, teacher, and parents who were in attendance at this momentous occasion.
Head Teacher/Principals Mr. Eustace Supersaud
Mr. Livingstone James
Mr. Samuel James
Mr. Nelson Richardson (from Antigua)
Mr. Benjamin Nisbett
Mr. Sutton
Mr. Donald Mac Lachlan
Ms. Emily Gumbs
Mr. Ronald Liburd
Ms. Maisie Halliday
Mr. Irvin Pemberton
Mr. Nathan Esdaille
Ms. Vaple Burt
Mrs. Icilma Springer Mrs. Emelita Jordon Mrs. Evette Bloice
Mrs. Joycelyn Archibald-Pennyfeather
Mrs. Kathuel Browne
To make the learning experience fun and exciting in an environment where children feel safe and secure.
History of School
The school moved to it present location in January 2000, after the former premises was completely destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998. Ms Karen Williams was the first Principal, she served until July 2001. She was succeded by Mrs Iona Phillip in September 2001. While waiting for the new building to be completed, the students were housed at two different locations. The Infant Department, Kindergarten to Grade 2 occupied Mr. Ivyn (Sammy) Williams residence at Mansion and the upper grades, Grade 3 to Grade 6 occupied the Fire House Building in Tabernacle Village. A few months later, the entire school was reunited and relocated at the Edgar T. Morris Primary School.
Our Mission is to ensure that: We create an environment that is conducive to the achievement of respect and co-operation amongst teachers, pupils and community; to sensitize the parents into playing a more supportive role in children’s education; to develop students physically, socially, mentally emotionally and spiritually; to provide students with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitude which will enable them to perform at their highest potential.
School's History
The Irish Town Primary School was officially opened in 1970 and was given the name Irish Town Primary because it is in the village of Irish Town.
Head Teacher/Principals
Mr. Washington Arcibald
Ms. Ruth Warner
Mrs. Dorita Halliday 1978-91
Mr. Wendell Wattley
Ms. Blondel Mr. Sylvester Charles
Mr. Elvis Charles Mrs. Jean Nisbett-Boddie Ms. Avonelle Fraites
School's History The Molineux Primary School has been renamed in honour of the late Joshua Obadiah Williams, who was a former principal of the school.
The official naming ceremony was conducted on Friday morning 2nd July at the school’s premises in the Molineux community.The school will now be called Joshua Obadiah Williams Primary School. HeadTeacher/Principals Mr. Obadiah Williams Mr. Donald Mac Lachlan Mr. Leroy Pemberton
Ms. Susanna Lee Mr. Esdaille
Mr. Vernon Benjamin
Ms. Joycelyn Mitcham
Mrs. Janelle Williams-Jacobs
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"A Child miseducated is a Child Lost"....John F. Kennedy (1962)
Basseterre Public Library
Nevis Public Library
Nelson Museum
Brimstone Hill Fortress
National Park
International House Museum
and Edgar Challenger Museum
Zack Nisbett Museum (Buckley's Estate)
Father and Son
One night a Father overheard his son pray:
Dear God make me the kind of son my daddy is!
Later that night the Father prayed:
Dear God make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.