History The school opened its doors on Wednesday January 14th 1959 under the leadership of Mr. Stanley Armory, with a staff of 7 teachers and approximately 90 students.
Head Teacher/Principals Mr. Stanley Armory Mrs. Franzine Caesar Mrs. Violet Jones-Mawnlawde
Mrs. Michelle Rochester-Woodley
To ensure a safe orderly disciplined teaching learning environment which is conducive to the growth and development of students academically, spiritually, socially emotionally and physically and to equip them with the necessary education and to help them to meet and surmount the demands, challenges and the responsibilities of a changing world.
School’s History On 18th September, 1983 the eve of our Nation Independence, hundreds of people from all parts of the island, witnessed the official opening of the Sandy Point Primary School. With much pride, our citizens; Sandy Pointers in particular and those affiliated with the school felt honored to have Her Majesty Princess Margaret cut the ribbon and declared the school opened. The Sandy Point Primary School evolved from the merging of the then Sandy Point Infants (Kindergarten to Grade 2) and the Sandy Point Junior (Grade 3 to Grade 6) Schools under the leadership of the first Head Teacher Ms. Rosabelle Warner.
Head Teachers/Principals Mrs. Valarie Richardson-Mason
Motto:“Striving for Academic and Moral Excellence”
Mission Statement
The Tyrell Williams Primary School is committed in partnership with the community to provide a superlative quality of education which will enable each student to develop his/her fullest potential in order to be an educated, confident, self directed, positive member of an ever changing society.
School’s History
Formerly, Verchild's Primary; relocated and renamedTyrell-Williams Primary School in 1999. The name was chosen to honoured Mrs. Eunice Williams and Ms. Edna Tyrell, two former Head Teachers of the community. They both impacted education immensely for residents of this historical community. There are fourteen (14) classrooms, a Library, a Science Lab, Computer Lab, a Reading Centre, a Lunchroom, a Staffroom and the Principal’s Office.
Head Teacher/Principals Mrs. Marilyn Maynard Mr. Terrence Edwards
Mr. Stewart Joseph
We the Staff of the VioletPettyPrimary School take the responsibility of creating a communication network amongst parents, teachers and the community in order to enhance learning styles.
We also endeavour to instill positive attitudes, morals and valves in the children so that they may feel comfortable and acceptable regardless of their individual differences, social or economic background.
In order to develop each child morally spiritually, emotionally and mentally we believe that each child should:
● Recognise himself/herself as an individual and aspire to achieve excellence at all time.
● Be given the opportunity to work in an educational atmosphere that is comfortable and conducive to learning, so that he/she mount obstacles embarking to the secondary level with competent skills, which can succeed academically.
● Have a solid foundation, which will enable him/her to surmount obstacles embarking to the secondary level with competent skills, which will ultimately prepare them for the work force.
School History
Education is the salvation of our nation and the Lodge Infant School was the salvation for the children of the Lodge community. Established in April 1969, under the leadership of the deceased head teacher, Mrs. Mary Charles George of Molineux, It served to affect change by imparting knowledge and skills to the Lodge community. The school was an affiliate of the Molineux All Age School with the Lodge Infant School educating students from kindergarten to grade three. The school was in charge of daily school activities but was subjected to the Molineux All Age School for its external affairs. The first teacher in charge was Ms. Violet Petty. She taught with her staff at the 4-H building where the Miracle Temple Church stands today. Eventually the school was moved to its present location on.
It was in 2001 that the school took on it present shape and name. The newly constructed school was named after its first teacher in charge.TheViolet Petty Primary School threw open its door in April of 2001 and was a fully functioning primary school in September of that same year.Mrs. Joycelyn Archibald Pennyfeather was its first head teacher with Ms. Lavern Brown as deputy. In 2005 a new head teacher arrived, in the person of Mrs. Joycelyn Archibald Pennyfeather, who is presently in charge.
Head Teacher/Principals Ms. Violet Petty Ms. Cynthia Edwards Ms. Susana Lee Mr. Leroy Pemberton Mr. Nathan Esdaile Mr.Vernon Benjamin Mrs. Doreen Davis Mrs. Joycelyn Archibald Pennyfeather Mrs. Evette Bloice
Mr. Dale Phipps
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"A Child miseducated is a Child Lost"....John F. Kennedy (1962)
Basseterre Public Library
Nevis Public Library
Nelson Museum
Brimstone Hill Fortress
National Park
International House Museum
and Edgar Challenger Museum
Zack Nisbett Museum (Buckley's Estate)
Father and Son
One night a Father overheard his son pray:
Dear God make me the kind of son my daddy is!
Later that night the Father prayed:
Dear God make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.