Two Islands One paradise - Beautiful St. Kitts and Nevis
  Schools in Nevis
Charlestown Primary School
Ramsbury ♦ 469-1569

Motto: “The Palm Is Gained With Effort”

Mission Statement
The Philosophy of the CharlestownPrimary School is to prepare children for life with the skills that are necessary to function in a literate society.
  Therefore, we seek to promote an environment that is conducive to learning from Kindergarten to grade six. 
  Teachers will strive to promote the highest level of achievement thus keeping in mind our motto: “The palm is gained with effort”.

School's History

The Charlestown Primary School is located at Ramsbury Site, Charlestown.  In April, 1992, the Charlestown Primary School was opened to students, on its new location. The Charlestown Infant School and the Charlestown Junior School were now merged into one school and given the name Charlestown Primary School.
The facility has also expanded. A new block comprising two classrooms, a computer lab and a library was officially opened in April 2004.
The ground breaking ceremony for the Charlestown Primary School was done during the Easter holidays 1990. The honour for the breaking of the soil was done by the Premier, Hon. Dr. Simeon Daniel. In attendance were Government officials, Education Officers, Mrs. Daphne Hobson-architect, Mrs. Hyleta Liburd - Headteacher of the Charlestown Infant School, Mrs. Alice Swanston - Headteacher of the Charlestown Junior School, parents and persons from the community.
The official opening ceremony for the Charlestown Primary School took place on the school grounds on Thursday 28th May 1992. However, April 28th, the day when all students reported to school is recognized as anniversary day.
Some of the Headteachers who have helped to lay the foundation and worked at the Charlestown Boys, Charlestown Girls, Charlestown Infant and Charlestown Junior School are -
Ms. Christobel O'Flahearty
Mr. James Kelly
Mr. Jerome Crosse
Ms. Muriel Johnson
Ms. Maude Cross
Ms. Rovita Butler
Mr. Stanford Boncamper
Ms. Lyndis Walters
Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd
Mrs. Eileen Walwyn
Mr. Gerard Brown
Mr. Oban Lawrence
Mrs. Hyleta Liburd
Mr. Frank Morton
Mrs. Shirley Browne
Mrs. Alice Swanston
Mr. Kevin Barrett

Charlestown Secondary School
Charlestown ♦ 469-0993

School's History
Construction work started, in June 1949 the foundation stone was laid by Miss Helena Bridgewater MBE in recognition of her invaluable contribution to higher education on the island, she is called the pioneer of Secondary Education on Nevis.
On May 24th, 1950 the doors of the Charlestown Secondary School were opened. When the school was opened, it started with a roll of one hundred and seventy (170) students. There were two distinct sections namely the “Academic” and “Senior” sections.
School Song
Industria et Virtute, these words
we’ll proudly raise.
They speak a name devoid of shame,
Immortal thro’ the years.
We’ll keep or banner flying; our name must be kept high,
By industry and valour, we’re reaching for the sky.

Industria et virtute,
To our motto we’ll be true
We’ll let our song both loud and long
Resound across the blue.

There’re trophies to be reached for,
There’re laurels to be gained
By industry and labour,
There’re heights to be attained.
But we’ll not sit and linger,
Nor flounder on the shoal.
We’ll struggle ever onward
Until we reach our goal.
by Hanzel Manners
The Academic section catered for seventy-five students; and the Senior section catered for one hundred and two students drawn from the sixth and seventh standards of the Charlestown Girls’ and Boys’ Schools. The teaching staff was comprised of ten persons, including the 1st principal, Mr. Gaston O. Fox.

Mr. Gaston O. Fox
Mr. Ingle Blackett
Mr. C.R. Smith
Mr. Erskine Rawlins
Mr. Colin Kirton
Mr. Victor Jones
Mr. Bertram Haynes
Mrs. Eloise Simmons
Mr. Merville Kirton

Mrs. Rosalie Andre 1973 – 1976

Ms. Eileen Tyrell   1976 – 1977
Mr. Vance Amory 1977 – 1980
. Wendell Huggins 1980 – 1981

Mr. Alford Thompson 1981 – 1984
Mrs. Christine Springette   1984 – 1987
Mrs. Theresa Nisbett Browne 1987 – 1988

Mr. Pearlievan Wilkin  1988 – 1993
Mr. Joseph Wiltshire   1993 – 2000
Mrs. Jennifer Hodge  2000 – 2004
Mr. Edson Elliott  2004 - present
Combermere Primary School

Principal/Head Teachers

Gingerland Secondary School
Gingerland ♦ 469-3926

Open in 1973.

Principal/Head Teachers
Vance Amory   1974-77
Mr. Wendell Huggins
Ms. Lornette Esdaille Manners   1988-93

Keith Glasgow

Ivor Walters Primary School (formerly Prospect Primary School)
Brown Hill ♦ 469-5915
Motto: “Aim At The Stars And You Will Reach The Sky”

Open in 1965 in Brown Hill Village.
‘Aim at the sky and you would reach the sun’ is the motto of The Ivor Walters Primary School. This manifested itself when the school building which was evacuated last November, and was returned to its teachers and students on May 8, 2007, and both were filled with joy.
The building had to be evacuated because of work needed to be done in the removal of the lung cancer causing asbestos.
The principal of the school, Mr. Wakely Daniel said the project which was funded by the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) through the Caribbean Development Bank, afforded the school a full refurbishment. “We had asbestos from grade four to the computer laboratory removed. Apart from the asbestos, a bit of repair was also done. The windows were replaced as well as painting of both the inside and outside of the buildings. The teachers’ bathroom was overhauled making it more genuine and the kitchen area was refurbished. Also, the assembly ground had some repairs” he said.
He added that a soak away was included to improve the drainage system from the teachers bathroom and the kitchen.
Daniel later disclosed that the school moved to the Senior Citizens Home on November 13, 2006 when it was understood that the asbestos had to be removed because of its lung cancer threat.
He added that a soak away was included to improve the drainage system from the teachers bathroom and the kitchen.
Daniel later disclosed that the school moved to the Senior Citizens Home on November 13, 2006 when it was understood that the asbestos had to be removed because of its lung cancer threat.
Even though the school was removed from the threat caused by the asbestos, however, challenges continued at the new school site.
Daniel explained “The stay at the place had its challenges, because the building was built as a house and not a school. Getting 172 students, cramped into the house was not an easy task” he added “we were uneasy there because there was only a small bathroom, toilet and a high level of noise all owing to the fact that the building is a house and not a school” he said
Nevertheless, it was understood by both students and staff that the stay was temporary, so that they endured whatever hardship they faced.
Mr. Daniel further stated that the parents have all commented that the refurbished school looks a lot more presentable and that they are pleased to have their school back, a space that is designed to accommodate both students and teachers.
Mr. Blake Errol, the project coordinator, also the head of Blakes Construction and Associate Limited, disclosed that the project was contracted in an amount of approximately 250,000 EC. He added that the renovation that started In January 2007 has reached completion as they only wait to fix the window handles as the last part of the renovation. He said the handles were delayed because they were not available in stores in Nevis.
Although he is pleased with the progress of the project, Blake mentioned some of the challenges faced. “We were faced with the task of removing the asbestos as we had to put in place proper use of gears like respirator, boots and gloves” he said.
Blake disclosed that in an effort to protect the safe and natural human environment, the removed asbestos were wrapped together, taped and dumped at the Solid Waste Management dumping field.

Principal/Head Teachers
Ilena Mills
Mr. Wakely Daniel

Lyn Jeffers Primary School (Private)


Motto: “Let Your Light Shine”
Principal/Head Teachers

Maude Crosse Preparatory School
  Ramsbury ♦ 469-1081

Motto: “Endure To Succeed”


Officially opened in 1975, The year 2007 has brought the Charlestown Preparatory School to a new high as they enjoy the renaming of the school after the founder, Miss Maude Crosse. The event was held at the school compound on Tuesday, May 9, 2007 where a host of top government and education officials were present.
Mrs. Varina Williams took over from Miss Maude Crosse as Headmistress of the school in 1983.

Principal/Head Teachers
Miss Maude Crosse
Ms. Varina Williams

Joycelyn Liburd Primary School (formerly Gingerland Primary School)
Hardtimes ♦ 469-3779
Motto: “Aspiring For The Highest”

Gingerland Primary School was opened on October 9th, 1978 to accommodate students from the Gingerland Infant and Gingerland Junior Schools. 
Prior to this, the Infant School was located on the grounds of the Gingerland Secondary School, and the Junior School was housed at the Gingerland Methodist Church Hall. 
Although the schools came together under one roof they remained two separate entities.  Mrs. Gwendolyn Maynard, headed the Infant Department, while Mr. Gerard Browne headed the Junior Department.
The Infant Department comprised Kindergarten to Grade Two and were assigned five classrooms, Rooms 10, 11, 12, 12A (13) and 14. Both Grade two classes occupied Room 10.  Teachers at the Infant Department then were as follows:
Kindergarten:  Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd; Miss Vertille Perkins
Grade 1:  Miss Marion Chapman; Mrs. Gwendolyn Richardson

Grade 2:  Miss Elvira Simmonds; Miss Averil Richards
The Junior Department occupied Rooms 1 – 9.  Grade 3, 4 and 5 had two streams A and B.  Grade 6 had three streams A, B, and C.  Each class in the Junior Department was assigned to a classroom.
Teachers at the Junior Department then were as follows:
Grade 3:   Miss Charmaine Hanley; Miss Claudette Byron
Grade 4:   Miss Emerald Amory; Mr. Edread Ward
Grade 5:   Mr.Desmond Gilfillan (deceased)   Mr. Conrad Liburd

Grade 6:   Ms. Janetta Elliott, Ms. Janice Grant, Ms. Maurita Morton
Janitor was the late Edna Manners of Hull Ground.

The School was built by the firm of S. Hunkins and Sons in 1977 - 1978. A metal plate at the office door indicates that the school was a joint undertaking of the Government of St. Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla and the Government of Canada.
It is important to note that the official opening and handing over ceremony took place on May 31st 1979. This was broadcast live on ZIZ Radio from its studio at Charlestown.  October 9th, has always been observed as the Anniversary date.
On September 10th 1979 the Infant and Junior schools were merged and renamed the Gingerland Primary School.  Mr. Gerard Browne was the first Headteacher.  Mrs. Gwendolyn Maynard was at that time transferred to the New River School.  Two years later, in 1981, New River School was merged with Gingerland Primary School and Mrs. Gwendolyn Maynard returned to take up the mantle as Headteacher.  At that time Mr. Browne was transferred to Charlestown Boys’ School.  Mrs. Maynard retired in 1984 and she was replaced by Mr. Melford Ward. 
After one year, Mr. Ward was transferred to Combermere Primary School and Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd, who had taught at the school from 1978 to December 1983, returned from Charlestown Boys’ School to serve as Headteacher in September 1985. When Mrs. Liburd retired in 1993, Mrs. Olvis Dyer took up appointment as Headteacher.  Mrs. Dyer spent four years and retired from the service in 1997. 
In September 1997, Mrs. Marion Liburd succeeded Mrs. Dyer as Headteacher.  Mrs. Marion (Liburd) Lescott is one of the two teachers who have been at the school since its inception.  The other is Miss. Elvira Simmonds.
It was the brain child of Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd, then Headteacher to have a Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony at the school. The first of these was held on the school’s lawn on 5th July, 1988. Since then it has become an annual event. It was during the period leading up to the first Graduation Ceremony that the motto, “Aspiring for the Highest” was formulated. This was the combined effort of Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd and the Grade 6 class.
Based on this motto, the school song was composed by Mrs. Averil Richards-Williams.  The words of this song have been an inspiration to students and teachers alike over the years. 
In September 1999 a determined effort was made to introduce Cultural Activities as part of the schools curriculum. The Department of Culture has since been actively involved in this area and children are involved in activities such as Drumming, playing the Guitar and Fife and Cultural Dances – Clowns and Cake walk. Our Choir continues to function exceptionally well, and in 2001 and 2003 captured the prestigious Palm Awards. In 2006, the Steel Pan was introduced to the students as part of the Cultural Activities.  A structured music programme geared towards preparation for CXC Music was introduced in September 2007.
Student Involvement in decisions affecting them was the basis of forming our first Student Council.  This was established in November 2001. 

Our Computer Lab was set up during 2001 and in September 2002 the timetable was adjusted to include Computer Literacy for students of
Grade 3 – 6.
A uniform for Physical Education was introduced in September 2003.

Past Principals of the School
Mr. Gerard Browne - October 9th, 1978 - July 10th, 1981
Mrs. Gwendolyn Maynard - October 9th 1978 - July 6th, 1979 and September 7th, 1981 - April 6th, 1984

Mr. Melford Ward - April 24th, 1984 - July 12th, 1985
Mrs. Joycelyn Liburd - September 9th, 1985 - July 9th, 1993
Mrs. Olvis Dyer - September 1st, 1993 - July 11th, 1997
Mrs. Marian Lescott - September 1997 - 
Ms. Barbara Hendrickson - Present

St. James Primary School
Madden Estate ♦ 469-9245
Motto: “Success Through Preseverance”

Open in 1978.

Principal/Head Teachers
Mrs. Vertille Perkins-Weekes

St. John's Primary School
The Flat ♦ 469-3927


Motto: “Forward Ever Backward Never”

Open in 2008 with Adina Taylor as Principal.

Principal/Head Teachers
Ms. Adina Taylor
Mr. Carl Williams

St. Thomas'/Lowlands Primary School
St. Thomas' Parish ♦ 469-5152


Motto: “Learn Today Earn Tomorrow”


Open in 1970

Principal/Head Teachers
Mr. Authnell Swanston
Earlene Maynard

Violet O Jeffers-Nicholls Primary School
Rawlins Pasture ♦ 469-9377
Motto: “Aspiring For The Best”

Open in 2000

Principal/Head Teachers
Emileta Elliott



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